(Hanoverian gelding Lemon Park X Goldige) He is the kindest and gentlest of horses. As the ultimate schoolmaster, Levi helped me earn my Silver Medial and truly explore all the FEI movements.
(Thoroughbred mare) She is a feisty red head that required patient and diverse training. We worked endlessly to improve her overall relaxation. She was successful at her first recognized competitions this season and her owner is now enjoying the ride on her.
(Swedish mare LA Baltic Sundance X Plains Mandy) Libby is always up for anything; we spent many hours riding in the field. She showed me how correct and dynamic training can really improve a horse’s natural gaits.
(Thoroughbred gelding) Todd did not have the kindest start in this world. I worked hard to earn his trust. We built a wonderful bond through basic Dressage work, small jumps, and hacking out.
(KPWN gelding by Voltaire) He was a big horse and reminded me on several occasions how vitally important it is to keep horses connected from back to front. Uni was a gentle giant and holds a special spot in my heart.
(Hanoverian gelding) He was instrumental in helping me earn my USDF Instructor Certification. I used him as my familiar horse as well as lent him to others to be ridden as their unfamiliar horse. Dreamy had the biggest floppiest ears and the sweetest disposition.
(KPWN gelding by Fairplay) He gave me my first taste of the FEI arena. He constantly illuminated my weak spots as a rider; he was an enduring teacher that helped me develop patience and perseverance in the saddle.
(KPWN gelding by Jet Set D) He was the most forgiving soul; I struggled to sit the trot and ride the canter forward. He gave me a successful competitive season complete with a Regional Champion Title as well as a NEDA Year End Champion Title. He’d do almost thing for a Twizzler.
(Appendix Quarter Horse) He was my first horse and every little girl’s dream! He took me to my first recognized competitions, helped me earn a Bronze Medal at Lendon Grey’s Youth Dressage Festival, and our last year together Reserve Champion in the East Coast Rider’s Cup. Leo’s love and patience touched so many and will never be forgotten.